Sunday, April 13, 2014


A thousand apologies for the lack of updates these past few weeks - kudos if you understood that reference by the way.

Got the opportunity to visit Handa, an old city in towards the South of Aichi prefecture a few weekends ago. Being a rather small tourist-y town, there was a very detailed walking map you can pick up from the tourist information center to take a nice tour of the highlights of Handa city, pictures below. The scenic old town coupled with the beginning of cherry blossom season made for an awesome tour. Perfect day trip from Kariya.

Niimi Nankichi Museum in Handaguchi


  1. Nadini!! Your letter made my day! Glad to see you're still having fun and enjoying the experience over there!! Have you gotten the chance to see family yet, or too much overtime to do that? :D

  2. Also, look what you started!
