Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Apartment Pictures!

Big, big news - new apartment moved in to and completely furnished. Bigger news I finally got it straightened up enough to take some decent pictures! Though the narrowness of the corridor made for some awkward angles I think you'll be able to get the main idea.

First off, floor plan for those of you visual learners. The entrance is at the very top of the diagram.

Orange square is my lovely bedroom. Perfect for storing clothes and getting a good night's rest. Double paned windows keep the sounds of the railroad that is literally right next to my building somewhat at bay. Especially cozy when I turn up the heater about a half hour before going to sleep. :)

Blue squares starting with the one closest to the entrance are shower room, washing machine and vanity, and then the WC which, for those of you non-Brits, is another word for a bathroom. The shower room is only accessible through the washing machine room with a door to keep the steam contained. 

Large pink open space is called the LDK (Living, Dining, Kitchen). Pictures are in shown in that order:

Green is the tatami mat room which right now serves as something of a craft room and storage area. Tatami mats are rectangular straw mats that serve as a type of carpeting. The aspect ratio (aerospace concentration at full front here) of the mats are 2:1 so they fit geometrically together. The floor plan actually shows the layout of the mats, except that it's flipped so the two that are set horizontally (perpendicular to the balcony) are actually against the closet not against the door if that makes sense. If not, well...picture:

White space at the opposite side of the entrance is the balcony, used mainly for watching trains and drying clothes! More on that later, though.

All in all, pretty neat house. It's actually rather big for a Japanese apartment (60 square meters; a few shy of 650 square feet) Only real downside is the lack of central heating, but I'm getting accustomed to working the space heaters in an economical manner. There is also plenty of room for guests: *hint hint* visitors are absolutely welcome! 

Alright, definitely bedtime. Good night from Japan!

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